The zodiac sign of Cancer is represented by a crab, which is known for its hard shell protecting a soft interior. People born between June 21 and July 22 fall under this sign, and they are often described as nurturing, emotional, and protective.
But how do you pronounce the name of this sign in English? In the United States and other English-speaking countries, it's typically pronounced as "CAN-ser" with a soft "c" sound. However, some people pronounce it as "KAN-ser" with a hard "c" sound, especially in parts of Europe.
The reason for the different pronunciations comes from the Latin word for cancer, which means "crab" in English. In Latin, the letter "c" is always pronounced as a hard "k" sound, so it makes sense that some people would carry that over when pronouncing the zodiac sign.
However, regardless of how it's pronounced, the Cancer sign is believed to represent people who are deeply in touch with their emotions and relationships. They are known for being loyal and devoted to their loved ones, but they can also be moody and sensitive at times.
In astrology, Cancer is one of the water signs, which means it is associated with the emotional and intuitive realm of life. Those born under this sign are often highly creative and have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for others.
Some famous Cancerians include Princess Diana, Tom Hanks, and Selena Gomez. They have all shown characteristics of the Cancer sign, such as their caring nature and loyalty to their friends and family.
So whether you say "CAN-ser" or "KAN-ser," the zodiac sign of Cancer represents a deep connection to emotions and r【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.cuanqia.COm>传奇星座】elationships. Those born under this sign are often highly empathic and nurturing, making them great friends and confidants for others.