Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the stubborn and ambitious mountain goat. In astrology, Capricorns are known for their practical nature, discipline, and drive to succeed. However, beneath their serious exterior lies a deep well of emotions and a tendency towards darkness.
Here are some quotes that capture the darker side of Capricorns:
1. "I may be smiling on the outside, but o【苏珊米勒星座】n the inside I'm calculating my revenge."
Capricorns are known for their long memories and their ability to hold a grudge. They may appear calm and collected on the surface, but they never forget when someone has wronged them. Their vengeance may be slow and methodical, but it will eventually come.
2. "I live in a world of black and white, with no room for gray."
Capricorns have a strong sense of right and wrong, and they often see the world in black and white terms. Their moral code is unwavering, and they will not compromise their values for anyone. This can make them rigid and uncompromising, but it also gives them a sense of purpose and direction.
3. "My heart is buried deep, beneath layers of ambition and practicality."
Capricorns may appear cold and unfeeling, but beneath their practical exterior lies a deep well of emotions. However, they often bury these emotions beneath layers of ambition and rationality. They believe that emotions should not interfere with their goals and may feel uncomfortable when forced to deal with them.
4. "My success is my armor, my failure my weakness."
Capricorns are driven to succeed and often measure their self-worth in terms of their accomplishments. They use their successes as a shield against criticism and failure, believing that their achievements speak for themselves. However, when they do fail, it can be a devastating blow to their self-esteem.
5. "I am my own worst enemy, but also my greatest ally."
Capricorns are notoriously hard on themselves, often setting impossibly high standards for themselves. They may be their own worst critics, but they are also their own greatest champions. They have an unwavering belief in their abilities and their determination to succeed.
In conclusion, Capricorns may have a dark side, but it is an integral part of their nature. Their ambition, practicality, and unwavering sense of right and wrong make them formidable and successful individuals, but also prone to darkness and emotional turmoil. However, they are also capable of great love and loyalty, making them enigmatic and complex personalities.